Understanding Internet Speeds and WiFi – Do You Really Need 1GB?

We, humans, are built to always jump on a better offer. This simple fact is understood in detail by Internet service providers. For this reason, they have taken it upon themselves to sell the 1Gb Internet speed to you. The 1Gb Internet speed promises a faster Internet connection, thus preventing lagging. While this offer looks

Why Does My Phone Keep Disconnecting From WiFi?

Has it ever happened that you realize your phone is not connected to WiFi, you connect it, and it works successfully for a time, just for it to disconnect again?  If yes, then you know how this interruption makes it difficult to finish up any work, connect with loved ones, and stream your favorite content.

The Ultimate Guide: Best Wireless Earbuds Under $150

Have you ever experienced going for a run while wearing casual earphones? Well, neither have we, but they say it is a nightmare. Imagine trying to run while untangling the headphone’s wire. Maybe that was the issue that inspired the inventor of the earbuds to create something so small that can fit in your ear
